The perspective of a successful marriage

Couples who don't have this perspective almost never have a happy successful marriage. Couples who have this perspective almost always have a happy successful marriage. It's almost a miracle.

Couples who don’t have this perspective almost never have a happy successful marriage. Couples who do have this perspective almost always have a happy successful marriage. It’s almost a miracle! My wife and I have counseled many couples, who don’t have this perspective and refuse to learn this perspective, who will never have a happy successful marriage. But we have Continue reading The perspective of a successful marriage

Encourage one another to take courage be strong because of God’s promises

Jesus often said, "Take courage be strong," using the Greek word tharséō — to be emboldened from within with unflinching courage. And he said we should encourage one another the same way.

Jesus often said, “Take courage be strong,” using the Greek word tharséō — to be emboldened from within with unflinching courage. And he said we should encourage one another the same way. Sometimes we need this more than ever. Seven times Jesus said take courage be strong Behold, they brought to him a man who was paralyzed, lying on a Continue reading Encourage one another to take courage be strong because of God’s promises

Godly principles for resolving conflict

Understanding how Conflict starts Conflict doesn’t start in a vacuum. There is always history. Usually twisted and piled. Resolving these conflicts can be like pulling a strand from a pile of tangled rusty barbed wire. It won’t end well for anyone. Everyone will be bloodied. Unless God… Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by his good Continue reading Godly principles for resolving conflict

Acts 12 when everything seems hopeless

Just when it seems things can't get any worse, God steps on the scene. We pray this is that time for our family, our church, our country, and the whole world. For the word of God to spread and multiply.

Acts 12 is my new favorite chapter. Just when it seems things can’t get any worse, God steps on the scene. We pray this is that time for our family, our church, our country, and the whole world. For the word of God to spread and multiply. Acts 12 opens with wicked King Herod in power with “The voice of a Continue reading Acts 12 when everything seems hopeless

Help for recovering from traumatic suffering

The God of peace can see your traumatic circumstance, and provide a way of escape that you may be able to bear it

Traumatic suffering usually causes a kind of tunnel vision that magnifies the trauma and keeps from revealing the path to recovery. But there is a way through the peace of God from the God of peace. He has gone through this traumatic path before you, so he can lead the way for you. These thoughts and verses were compiled over Continue reading Help for recovering from traumatic suffering