The Five Senses of Hell (Dante was Wrong)

An accurate five senses image of hell as described by the Bible

The Bible describes the chilling reality of the five senses of hell, starkly contrasting it with the elaborate and poetic visions of Dante Alighieri’s “The Divine Comedy,” which is consistent with ancient religious traditions and modern philosophy. Dante’s vivid depiction of hell—with its nine circles of punishment and meticulously crafted tortures—has long mesmerized and terrified readers. Yet, as fundamental conservative Continue reading The Five Senses of Hell (Dante was Wrong)

Guidelines for Rebuking Sin

Guidelines for rebuking sin like Jesus with hope and compassion to guide people back to the principles of love, justice, and mercy

Learning from examples of Jesus rebuking sin The way Jesus addressed sin offers profound lessons for Christians on rebuking sin both within themselves and in their communities. His approach combines uncompromising truth with deep compassion, providing a model that balances justice with grace. Here are some key lessons: Compassion is Central: Jesus always engaged with sinners from a place of Continue reading Guidelines for Rebuking Sin

The Footprints and Fingerprints of Satan’s Temptations

Satan's footprints and fingerprints of temptation through the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life, are consistent

From the earliest pages of the Bible, the footprints and fingerprints of temptation from Satan as the tempter have always been the same. In this study, we aim to examine the temptations instigated by Satan in the light of three categories defined in 1 John 2:16: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of Continue reading The Footprints and Fingerprints of Satan’s Temptations

Can Satan read minds and influence thoughts?

Demonic influence is crafty and deceitful, able to induce temptation and deception, by physical interaction, through circumstances, and even in dreams and visions.

Before diving into the discussion of whether Satan can read our minds and influence our thoughts, it is essential to recognize that as a powerful spiritual entity, Satan can exert significant influence over people’s actions, words, and even thoughts. This is not merely a metaphorical or indirect influence; it is a direct, active involvement in the physical and spiritual realms. Continue reading Can Satan read minds and influence thoughts?

Why overwhelming focus on sin and judgment in the Bible?

Why overwhelming focus on sin and judgment in the Bible?

This concept of sin might seem overwhelming for someone who is approaching the Bible for the first time. Throughout its pages, a recurring emphasis on sin and judgment emerges, revealing their significance within the biblical narrative. Sin is presented as a pervasive and deeply rooted reality that separates humanity from God, while judgment is a punishment for violating God’s perfect Continue reading Why overwhelming focus on sin and judgment in the Bible?