The godly seek refuge from God when they see dangerous warning signs

The wings of God provide divine refuge and protection amidst the turmoil of worldly chaos.

In our everyday lives, danger or troubles can come in many forms—temptations, disappointments, or even physical threats. The Bible reminds us that wise, godly people are not clueless about these dangers. They see the warning signs and they run to God for refuge. When Proverbs 22:3 says, “A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself,” it shows us that Continue reading The godly seek refuge from God when they see dangerous warning signs

Paul’s Prayers (Discovering the Heart of the Apostle)

The Apostle Paul and some of his coworkers gather to give prayers for Christians like you.

This study looks at the prayers of the Apostle Paul found in his letters to early Christian communities. Paul’s prayers show his deep love for the believers and his commitment to God’s work in their lives. They highlight themes like gratitude, faith, love, and God’s faithfulness. By exploring the background and purpose of each prayer, we aim to understand Paul’s Continue reading Paul’s Prayers (Discovering the Heart of the Apostle)

Greetings from Paul (Discovering the Heart of the Apostle)

The Apostle Paul is motivated by a heart fully devoted to God's purposes, overflowing with love for others.

By examining these epistles’ backgrounds and greetings, we see Paul’s unwavering love for all Christians and commitment to the gospel amid diverse challenges. His letters address doctrinal truths and practical living, grounded in faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, these books remain foundational for Christian belief and practice today. Galatians (AD 48–49 or AD 55) Paul addresses the churches in Galatia, Continue reading Greetings from Paul (Discovering the Heart of the Apostle)

Critical Review of Alexander Hislop’s The Two Babylons

Alexander Hislop's The Two Babylons has commendable concern for doctrinal purity, but the methodology is flawed and speculative.

Alexander Hislop’s The Two Babylons argues that many practices and beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church are rooted in ancient Babylonian paganism. Hislop contends that the Catholic Church, through its rituals, doctrines, and hierarchy, represents a continuation of the idolatrous system established in Babylon, described in the Bible as a source of spiritual corruption. He draws connections between Catholic traditions Continue reading Critical Review of Alexander Hislop’s The Two Babylons

From everlasting to everlasting, God exists outside of time

As we meditate on God's eternal nature, let it inspire us to live with an eternal focus find comfort in His unchanging character, and continually offer our heartfelt worship and praise to the One who is from everlasting to everlasting.

The concept of God existing outside of time from everlasting to everlasting is an important theological truth with practical implications for our understanding of His nature and our relationship with Him. The Bible provides numerous passages that affirm God’s eternal nature, such as Psalm 103:17, Psalm 106:48, Psalm 41:13, 1 Chronicles 16:36, Psalm 90:2, Nehemiah 9:5, 1 Chronicles 29:10, and Continue reading From everlasting to everlasting, God exists outside of time