Justice and judgment is more acceptable than sacrifice

Living a life of justice and judgment are more acceptable to the Lord than religious sacrifice(Proverbs 21:3)

Proverbs 21:3 states, “To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.” This verse teaches that actions that promote justice and righteousness are more important to God than offering sacrifices. In this Bible study, we will Continue reading Justice and judgment is more acceptable than sacrifice

Live like the humble savior who washed your feet

Before we can live in the exciting glory of the resurrection power of the risen Christ, we must be willing to live as the humble savior who washed the feet of the disciples and laid down his life for the sins of the world.

Everyone wants to live in the exciting glory of the resurrection power of the risen Christ. We sing songs about his power and majesty. We delight in his power in us. And we praise the glorious future he has prepared Continue reading Live like the humble savior who washed your feet

Godly principles for resolving conflict

Understanding how Conflict starts Conflict doesn’t start in a vacuum. There is always history. Usually twisted and piled. Resolving these conflicts can be like pulling a strand from a pile of tangled rusty barbed wire. It won’t end well for Continue reading Godly principles for resolving conflict

Biblical doctrine of prosperity prayers

God wants you to be rich beyond your wildest dreams. He offers an abundant life overflowing with more than the bare necessities. But God doesn't measure your prosperity by your physical possessions or your financial wealth.

Promise of abundant prosperity God wants you to be rich beyond your wildest dreams. He offers an abundant life overflowing with more than the bare necessities. But God doesn’t measure your prosperity by your physical possessions or your financial wealth. Continue reading Biblical doctrine of prosperity prayers