Intercessory Napping: A Divine Call to Rest

Intercessory Napping is offered in a light-hearted manner, the principles of rest, trust, and dependence on God carry profound truth and importance in our walk with Christ.

Welcome, faithful followers, to this extraordinary exploration of divine rest, aptly titled “Intercessory Napping.” As we delve into the Scriptures, we find that the Lord not only values our active service but also our moments of rest. Today, we’ll uncover the often-overlooked ministry of napping, sanctioned by none other than the Almighty Himself. Our case study: the angelic provision of Continue reading Intercessory Napping: A Divine Call to Rest

Minimum Daily Requirement of Bible Reading

A minimum daily requirement of Bible reading will improve your walk with the Lord and impact those around you by building a legacy of faith for generations to come

Everything that is good for you has a minimum daily requirement. Consider air, water, food, sleep, etc. Yes, you can get too much of these. But it is vitally critical to get at least the minimum requirement. Or else you will die of suffocation, dehydration, starvation, or exhaustion. Did you know there is a minimum daily requirement for Bible reading? Continue reading Minimum Daily Requirement of Bible Reading

Favorite Bible Benedictions

Favorite benedictions (formal or devout statements of blessedness) from the Bible

Here are some favorite benedictions (formal or devout invocations of blessedness) from the Bible. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. (Numbers 6:24-26 KJV) Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Continue reading Favorite Bible Benedictions

Moving from confusion to peace, clarity, and wisdom through faith

Frustration is confusion leaving the mind just as pain is weakness leaving the body.

Frustration is confusion leaving the mind just as pain is weakness leaving the body. And confusion becomes peace, clarity, and wisdom through emotional, mental, and spiritual exercise; just as weakness becomes strength, endurance, and health through physical exercise. For God is not a God of confusion [akatastasia -: unsettled, unstable, by things being out of control] but of peace [eiréné Continue reading Moving from confusion to peace, clarity, and wisdom through faith

How to use ChatGPT to compose backstory for favorite hymns

How to use ChatGPT to compose backstory for favorite hymns

I love the old hymns because I grew up with them and heard the backstory of who wrote them under what circumstances. But the modern listener, who doesn’t know those details, cannot have the same appreciation. Therefore, I am presenting a method and technique to use ChatGPT-4 to help add the backstory of treasured hymns. Let’s start with “It is Continue reading How to use ChatGPT to compose backstory for favorite hymns