What does the LORD require of you? (Micah 6:6-8)

This is the most consistent doctrine preached from Genesis to Revelation. Sadly, it is missed by many so-called Christian sects and denominations. What does the LORD require of you? We don’t have to guess. God told Adam what he requires, Moses told the children, the prophets told the nation, Jesus told the world, and the Apostles told us. Abraham learned Continue reading What does the LORD require of you? (Micah 6:6-8)

When did the church begin/start?

The question of “when did the church start,” has caused arguments for almost two thousand years. It has divided and destroyed families, friends, and neighbors. If you Google “When did the church start?” you will get over 800 million hits. Therefore, if you arrived here, you are one-in-a-trillion. So, what is the answer? Let me start by saying I don’t Continue reading When did the church begin/start?

Adonijah’s rebellious insurrection (what can we learn)

What can we learn from this account of kings, queens, brothers, sisters, priests, soldiers, and citizens who committed adultery, murder, incest, murder, rebellion, rape, murder, palace intrigue, insurrection, heresy, and more?

Why did Solomon execute Adonijah for asking to marry Abishag? Please follow this account of kings, queens, brothers, sisters, priests, soldiers, and citizens who committed adultery, murder, incest, murder, rebellion, rape, murder, palace intrigue, insurrection, heresy, and more that puts anything on Game of Thrones to shame for its twists and turns. What can we learn from this? Let this Continue reading Adonijah’s rebellious insurrection (what can we learn)

Who is the temple of God?

God promised Israel he would walk with them and dwell among them in the sanctuary of the temple. Now he promises to dwell in the living temple of the heart of believers.

Many religions of the world try to teach you how you can find God, how you can approach God in his temple, how you can please God with righteous works, so you can be accepted by God. That makes sense because, humanly speaking, we know we need God more than he needs us, so we should be the ones to Continue reading Who is the temple of God?

A balanced look at “Rightly Dividing”

Let’s compare and contrast two extremely bad ways to read the Bible: random reading and rightly dividing. 1) Random Reading Randomly fan the pages of an open Bible and stick a pin in a random verse on a random page and sing this little ditty as you try to apply that verse for you today… This can’t be correct because Continue reading A balanced look at “Rightly Dividing”