The Security of the Believer (Safe in Christ)

In the age-old battle between Calvinism and Arminianism, the question of Eternal Security of the Believer proves there is a middle position. Surely you agree that all one must do in order to be saved is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31) But, of course, this is not just a mental assent to the fact that Christ died for Continue reading The Security of the Believer (Safe in Christ)

How to be justified by God in your prayers

Two men went up to the temple to pray. One was justified and the other was rejected. What was the difference? Then Jesus told this story to some who had great confidence in their own righteousness and scorned everyone else: “Two men went to the Temple to pray. One was a Pharisee, and the other was a despised tax collector. The Pharisee Continue reading How to be justified by God in your prayers

Christian versus the treadmill

All the man-made religions of the world teach you how to improve your zeal and your work to make yourself right before God. This turns into an endless treadmill of working harder with more zeal to overcome your sins. Jesus Christ defeated the treadmill, and he wants to give you the victory. Don’t fall victim to these fails.

What is self-righteousness?


Very few people will claim their opinion is better than God. Very few people will claim their judgment is greater than God. Very few people will claim their wisdom is higher than God. Very few people will claim their self-righteousness exceeds God. Very few people will claim their moral superiority allows them to be contemptuous of other sinners. But, let’s examine the facts… Also read… Who is king of your life? Continue reading What is self-righteousness?

Have you served your time? Has the punishment for your sins been completed?

When someone in our society does something bad against the law, is caught by law enforcement, convicted by a jury of their peers, sentenced by a judge, and spends time in jail or prison as punishment for their crimes, and is released at the end of their sentence, they have “served their time,” they have paid the debt to society. Continue reading Have you served your time? Has the punishment for your sins been completed?