Take up Your Cross and Follow Jesus

The teaching of "taking up your cross" is about understanding the cost of discipleship

The teaching of “taking up your cross” is about understanding the cost of discipleship. In Jesus’ era, the cross was a tool of execution, signifying great suffering and sacrifice. So, when Jesus instructs us to take up our cross, He’s conveying that being His follower requires a level of dedication that might involve self-sacrifice or hardship. The essence of this Continue reading Take up Your Cross and Follow Jesus

Can Satan read minds and influence thoughts?

Demonic influence is crafty and deceitful, able to induce temptation and deception, by physical interaction, through circumstances, and even in dreams and visions.

Before diving into the discussion of whether Satan can read our minds and influence our thoughts, it is essential to recognize that as a powerful spiritual entity, Satan can exert significant influence over people’s actions, words, and even thoughts. This is not merely a metaphorical or indirect influence; it is a direct, active involvement in the physical and spiritual realms. Continue reading Can Satan read minds and influence thoughts?

Hebrew words of praise

The praise of God in the Bible is a dynamic, joyous, and often public declaration of who God is and what He has done

These words for “praise” in Hebrew carry more than just the simple idea of saying nice things about someone or something. They often carry strong connotations of joy, celebration, thanksgiving, and even music and dance. They remind us that the praise of God in the Bible is a dynamic, joyous, and often public declaration of who God is and what Continue reading Hebrew words of praise

Why overwhelming focus on sin and judgment in the Bible?

Why overwhelming focus on sin and judgment in the Bible?

This concept of sin might seem overwhelming for someone who is approaching the Bible for the first time. Throughout its pages, a recurring emphasis on sin and judgment emerges, revealing their significance within the biblical narrative. Sin is presented as a pervasive and deeply rooted reality that separates humanity from God, while judgment is a punishment for violating God’s perfect Continue reading Why overwhelming focus on sin and judgment in the Bible?

Sharing the light by personal evangelism

Christians are urged to share the light of gospel message. They are to be witnesses, make disciples, and preach the gospel to all nations.

The following verses emphasize the importance of sharing the light of the gospel by personal evangelism, which is spreading the message of the gospel to others. Christians are called to let their light shine before others, to make disciples of all nations, and to preach the gospel to all creation. They are to be witnesses to the ends of the Continue reading Sharing the light by personal evangelism