Your sins have separated you from God

If God feels a million miles away, he didn't move, but your sins have separated you, so answer his call to be restored today

Sometimes God feels a million miles away. And sometimes we wonder if God exists. In those times, he didn’t change, he didn’t move, he didn’t leave, but we did, and our sins have separated us from God. Behold, the LORD’S Continue reading Your sins have separated you from God

Balaam (a wicked way with a sinful error that leads to false doctrine)

Yahweh opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, "What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?"

Four of the most amazing prophetic oracles about Israel as a separated people, a conquering people, a prosperous people, and a royal people were delivered by a mysterious soothsayer named Balaam who was specifically hired to curse Israel. If that Continue reading Balaam (a wicked way with a sinful error that leads to false doctrine)

When was Jesus Crucified? (Death, Burial, and Resurrection)

Timeline of the Death, Burial, and Resurrection

It is critical we agree on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We need to believe that Jesus Christ was the promised Lamb of God. We need to understand that Jesus Christ was crucified to pay for the Continue reading When was Jesus Crucified? (Death, Burial, and Resurrection)

The LORD says, Even now return to me

In the midst of catastrophe in the wilderness, God says, Return to me

When disaster strikes, some people turn away from God by blaming him for all their troubles and hardening their hearts against him. But some people return to God for understanding, comfort, and a new relationship. This happened after WWI, WWII, Continue reading The LORD says, Even now return to me

Yahweh is a merciful and gracious God

One of the most amazing accounts in the entire Bible is when Moses asks to see the glory of God. He knew God was with him. He saw the pillar of clouds by day. He saw the pillar of fire Continue reading Yahweh is a merciful and gracious God