Josiah’s Good Reign in Judah

This seamless chronological paraphrase of King Josiah's godly reign in Judah encourages us to serve God faithfully.

Josiah faithfully followed the LORD during the first 18 years of his reign without the help of a Bible, which at that time would have been the writings of Moses (Genesis to Deuteronomy) and the writings of David and Solomon. Continue reading Josiah’s Good Reign in Judah

Are Christians doomed by deceitful heart?

Are Christians doomed to have an incurably deceitful heart that is so weak and sick that it cannot be healed?

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9) The Hebrew word translated “desperately wicked” means to be so weak and sick that it is incurable. And it gets worse, because the word translated Continue reading Are Christians doomed by deceitful heart?

Eternal covenant promises for Israel from the Bible

God made eternal promises to Israel through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He has confirmed those promises through all the prophets and the words of Jesus Christ.

God made eternal promises to Israel through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He confirmed those promises through all the prophets and the words of Jesus Christ. But many Bible scholars have asked the same question as the Apostle Paul. I ask, Continue reading Eternal covenant promises for Israel from the Bible