Hello, my name is David, I am a recovering elder brother

I used to be the elder brother in the parable of the prodigal son. I was addicted to the ungodly sin of self-righteousness because I had a twisted view of God’s mercy. I considered myself to be more righteous than others because of my beliefs and practices. Therefore, I didn’t consider my sins to be as bad as yours because Continue reading Hello, my name is David, I am a recovering elder brother

The Christian work ethic

The Bible teaches Christians to have a godly work ethic that makes them the best possible employers and employees. As James and many others have said, “Faith without works is dead.” The Christian must live out their faith by the things they do. At home and in the community, at church and out of church, at school and at work. Continue reading The Christian work ethic

How to start praying with the ACTS model of prayer

Unblocking the power of prayer with ACTS: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication

There is no magic formula for prayers but I like the ACTS model for short prayers: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. This is a simple way to remember that we need to approach the throne of God with reverence because he is Almighty God But we don’t have to follow a formula because God has promised to hear our thoughts Continue reading How to start praying with the ACTS model of prayer

The LORD says, Even now return to me

In the midst of catastrophe in the wilderness, God says, Return to me

When disaster strikes, some people turn away from God by blaming him for all their troubles and hardening their hearts against him. But some people return to God for understanding, comfort, and a new relationship. This happened after WWI, WWII, and the 9/11 tragedy. Maybe it’s time again. Here is an example, which happened almost 3000 years ago, when Joel Continue reading The LORD says, Even now return to me

Don’t grow weary in well doing (Gal 6:9; 2 Thess 3:13)

Christians are commanded to live the gospel toward all people all the time without growing weary. Here is encouragement to keep on keeping on.

Don’t grow weary in well doing is a prominent theme in Christian encouragement because Christians are commanded to do more than just believe the gospel, they are commanded to live the gospel of love and restoration towards all people. When this is rejected, refused, and retaliated over and over, it can make you weary and become discouraged. So, Christians need Continue reading Don’t grow weary in well doing (Gal 6:9; 2 Thess 3:13)