Help for recovering from traumatic suffering

The God of peace can see your traumatic circumstance, and provide a way of escape that you may be able to bear it

Traumatic suffering usually causes a kind of tunnel vision that magnifies the trauma and keeps from revealing the path to recovery. But there is a way through the peace of God from the God of peace. He has gone through this traumatic path before you, so he can lead the way for you. These thoughts and verses were compiled over Continue reading Help for recovering from traumatic suffering

The sin of stubbornness (arrogance)

If you reject Jesus Christ and continue in the sin of stubbornness with the devil, it will eventually lead to bondage

The sin of stubbornness and arrogance, which is strengthened by pride, is awful. This is the sin of the devil himself (Genesis 3:5; Isaiah 14:14; Ezekiel 28:2;  2 Thessalonians 2:4). He will deceive you into believing his lie, then he will entangle you in his punishment, if you let him. All sin is rebellion against Jesus Christ King Saul disobeyed Continue reading The sin of stubbornness (arrogance)

For such a time as this

Such a time as this in every generation, and it will get worse. Are we ready?

It seems like we live in an upside-down world. Such a time as this. What used to be evil is called good. What used to be good is called evil. And you will be canceled if you dare question it. But this is not the first time. There have been many other times such as this. And it will get Continue reading For such a time as this

The ultimate preppers guide to survive the apocalypse

The ultimate preppers guide to survive the apocalypse

There is an apocalypse coming. Prophets have been warning about it for thousands of years. Preppers have been preparing for hundreds of years. It’s not a nuclear war or irreversible climate change. It’s not going to feature zombies or vampires. But it is going to lead to The Final World War. Survival depends on only one thing. First, let me Continue reading The ultimate preppers guide to survive the apocalypse

10 differences between team Jesus Christ and team Antichrist

The difference between team Jesus Christ and team Antichrist depends on the motives of your heart attitude

Are you team Jesus Christ or team Antichrist? This may seem like a frivolous question, but I mean it in all seriousness because it is getting harder and harder to know the difference. “Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me. (Matthew 12:30 NLT) “Then if any man tells Continue reading 10 differences between team Jesus Christ and team Antichrist