7 things that changed the world forever

7 things that changed the world forever

When we look around at us on the earth, we see things as they are today. Has it changed? It’s tempting to think everything has always been this way. Have we always had sickness, pestilence, and disease? Have the oceans, mountains, forests, and deserts always looked like this? Have governments always fought each other for control of the people? Have Continue reading 7 things that changed the world forever

101 Verses that prove Jesus Christ is the Creator

I used to know an older man who made a daily habit of waking early to read the scriptures. During his reading, he had compiled a list of verses that prove Jesus Christ is the Creator. But I was young and foolish, so I never asked for the list. And now he is gone. Since then, I have worked on Continue reading 101 Verses that prove Jesus Christ is the Creator

Does young earth versus old earth matter?

What does the Bible say about creation?

Most of the Biblical creation organizations proclaim a young earth position as part of Biblical creation doctrine: Answers in Genesis, The Institute for Creation Research, and Creation Ministries International. Why? And, is this important? Does Young-Earth Creation Matter? — If Christians doubt what at first appears to be insignificant details of Scripture, then others may begin to look at the whole Continue reading Does young earth versus old earth matter?

I was born this way (and God doesn’t make junk)

I was born this way (and God doesn't make junk)

Just because you were born this way does not mean that you should stay this way Everyone is born a natural person with a human nature. They have instinctive needs for food, water, clothing, shelter. They have human desires for love and care. They have normal goals to grow up, raise offspring, and leave a legacy. They have innate tendencies to Continue reading I was born this way (and God doesn’t make junk)

What does the Bible say about aliens?

Aliens hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil

Does the Bible prophesy or deny aliens? The consistent message of sin, judgment, death, sacrifice, salvation, redemption, and life in the Bible has been given for thousands of years from Adam & Eve until today and from now on to forever. This message records the history of mankind. This message records the creation of the Earth. This message describes Adam Continue reading What does the Bible say about aliens?