Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?

Jesus Christ wrote your name in his book of life. Will you choose for it to be sealed for eternity or permanently blotted out?

Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God slain from before the foundation of the world, wrote the name of every person who will ever live in his Book of Life. He wrote your name in that book. Will you choose for it to be sealed for eternity or permanently blotted out? If you receive him as your personal savior by faith Continue reading Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?

Have you hardened your heart against God like Pharaoh?

Don't be like Pharaoh who chose to deny God, so God hardened his heart to bear the plagues until the destruction was complete

If you have hardened your heart to deny God, and you recognize your life is on a path headed to destruction, you can choose to change your direction. You can choose to believe God and accept his free gift of salvation. He has never failed to answer that prayer. He will soften your heart and transform your life. What is Continue reading Have you hardened your heart against God like Pharaoh?

What is the rapture? harpázō – seized by force, caught up, snatched away

Study of the Greek word harpázō translated as rapiemur in the Latin Vulgate Bible, which has been Anglicized as rapture for almost 2000 years

Someday very soon, there is going to be a world wide event that is so weird nobody will be able to explain it. God has prophesized a harpázō. Millions of people from all tribes and nations are going to disappear at exactly the same time. Here are the 2 most prophetic passages of this harpázō event. But we don’t want you Continue reading What is the rapture? harpázō – seized by force, caught up, snatched away

God shall wipe away all tears

God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain (Revelation 21:4)

One of the most exciting Bible truths is we win in the end. Jesus Christ has conquered sin and death and he has given us the right to become his sons and daughters so we will reign with him forever. In the meantime, we will have tribulation, but don’t fear because he will wipe away all our tears. This is Continue reading God shall wipe away all tears

Failure to follow Jesus will always get you lost

Christians need to follow Jesus in every way. Failure to follow will cost you more than you want to pay. Return to him today.

Failure to follow instructions will invalidate warranties. Failure to follow GPS directions will get you lost or maybe even cause you to drive off a cliff or into a lake. Failure to follow orders can get you fired or court-martialed. These are all bad. But, failure to follow Jesus will have even more disastrous consequences in this life and that Continue reading Failure to follow Jesus will always get you lost