The Welcoming Church: The one about the Man who Learned Nothing

This man learned nothing from the church service because he had heard the message before. But he missed the whole point of church.

The pop quiz response about learning nothing David, a roaming greeter at a welcoming church, recently asked a pop quiz about the message to a group of young people after the service. However, before any of them could respond, an Continue reading The Welcoming Church: The one about the Man who Learned Nothing

The Bible Changes Everything

The Bible changes everything because it reveals God’s creation and humanity’s rebellion, His redemptive work of death, burial, and resurrection to redeem us, and our eternal future

The Bible changes everything because its reveals God and His creation, humanity’s rebellion, God’s love and His promises, Jesus Christ’s vicarious death, burial, and resurrection to redeem us from our sins, and our eternal future. The concepts of Jesus, love, Continue reading The Bible Changes Everything

Yes, If & No, Because: Embracing Grace and Truth

The beautiful tension in the harmony of “Yes, if” of grace and “No, because” of truth

In our Christian journey, we often encounter the beautiful tension between grace and truth, between “Yes, If” and “No, Because.” These concepts are essential to understanding God’s heart and His plan for our lives. Through exploring the Scriptures and their Continue reading Yes, If & No, Because: Embracing Grace and Truth

Can Satan read minds and influence thoughts?

Demonic influence is crafty and deceitful, able to induce temptation and deception, by physical interaction, through circumstances, and even in dreams and visions.

Before diving into the discussion of whether Satan can read our minds and influence our thoughts, it is essential to recognize that as a powerful spiritual entity, Satan can exert significant influence over people’s actions, words, and even thoughts. This Continue reading Can Satan read minds and influence thoughts?