Whose faith follow (Hebrews 13:7)

The Bible commands us to follow our leader's faith as they live it out in practical work of faith and labor of love.

The Bible says we should follow the faith of godly leaders. Therefore “who” we follow is important—what direction are they leading us? And “why” we follow them is even more important—what is our motivation and purpose? But “how” we follow them is the most important—will we reach the destination or barely begin the journey? Remember your leaders who taught you Continue reading Whose faith follow (Hebrews 13:7)

The sin of unity

Because the coin of division has two sides. One is the sin of sectarianism. The other the sin of unity. They are both division and they are both wrong.

How can unity be a sin? Isn’t unity the holy grail of Christianity. Ah yes! But the kind of unity is very important. Because the coin of division has two sides. One is the sin of sectarianism. The other is the sin of unity. They are both division and they are both wrong. It is not always right to be Continue reading The sin of unity

Could God have divided the continents in the judgment against the Tower of Babel?

From Pangea to the modern divided earth. How? Why? When?

Geologists have discovered evidence the earth was once a single land mass called Pangea that was divided into continents by motion of tectonic plates called continental drift. They ascribe this drift to natural causes that might have taken several billion years. But I have always wondered if God did this in a moment of time. Consider this brief history of Continue reading Could God have divided the continents in the judgment against the Tower of Babel?

It is high time for the church to awaken and grow up

The church has been asleep for too long. It is time to awaken and grow up before it is too late. The night is over, the day is approaching.

As believers, we are called to live with a sense of urgency, recognizing that our salvation is nearer each day. The Bible urges us to awaken from spiritual slumber, cast off the deeds of darkness, and walk in the light of Christ. Romans 13 and Ephesians 2 remind us that we were once dead in our sins, but God, rich Continue reading It is high time for the church to awaken and grow up

Your sins have separated you from God

If God feels a million miles away, he didn't move, but your sins have separated you, so answer his call to be restored today

Sometimes God feels a million miles away. And sometimes we wonder if God exists. In those times, he didn’t change, he didn’t move, he didn’t leave, but we did, and our sins have separated us from God. Behold, the LORD’S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, Neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear; But your iniquities have Continue reading Your sins have separated you from God