Could God have divided the continents in the judgment against the Tower of Babel?

From Pangea to the modern divided earth. How? Why? When?

Geologists have discovered evidence the earth was once a single land mass called Pangea that was divided into continents by motion of tectonic plates called continental drift. They ascribe this drift to natural causes that might have taken several billion years. But I have always wondered if God did this in a moment of time. Consider this brief history of Continue reading Could God have divided the continents in the judgment against the Tower of Babel?

God created humans upright, but they seek inventions

God created humans upright, so it is no surprise he intended us to stand, walk, and run, but we seek inventions to help us sit, lie, and lounge

On the sixth day, God created humans in his own image. Strong. Smart. Upright. And he gave them a purpose. God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the sky, and over the livestock, and over all the earth, and Continue reading God created humans upright, but they seek inventions

Why is the Bible called the Word of God?

The word of God created the universe, revealed himself throughout history in a personal way, and wants to be your personal savior

The Bible has always been called the Word of God because it contains a written account of the verbal words of God. These words are recorded from the first pages of Genesis, throughout all the history, prophets, poems, writings, gospels, and letters, to the last pages of Revelation. This is the mystery of the Christian faith that exceeds all the Continue reading Why is the Bible called the Word of God?

God shall wipe away all tears

God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain (Revelation 21:4)

One of the most exciting Bible truths is we win in the end. Jesus Christ has conquered sin and death and he has given us the right to become his sons and daughters so we will reign with him forever. In the meantime, we will have tribulation, but don’t fear because he will wipe away all our tears. This is Continue reading God shall wipe away all tears

In what dimension is heaven up and hell down?

Dimensional analogy of3-dimension worlds on the surface of a 4th-dimension spherical universe

We may never know why the Bible describes the dimension of “up to heaven” (58 verses) and “down to hell” (17 verses), but here is one possible explanation that has been rattling around in my brain for many years. It is based on one of the most powerful verses in the Apostle Paul’s most powerful book, which gives a hint Continue reading In what dimension is heaven up and hell down?