Cultivating a Heart of Hospitality

Cultivating hospitality helps believers demonstrate tangible expressions of God’s love to live out Jesus' command to love our neighbors as ourselves

Cultivating hospitality is deeply rooted in Scripture and embodies the essence of living out the Gospel. It is a tangible expression of God’s love through us, a means by which we can demonstrate the grace, compassion, and open-heartedness that Jesus Himself showed to all He encountered. Cultivating hospitality is not merely about offering a meal or a place to stay; Continue reading Cultivating a Heart of Hospitality

Christian Hospitality

Christian hospitality emulates God’s welcome to us in Christ, inviting others into the family of God and demonstrating the transformative power of the Gospel in action.

Christian hospitality, as depicted in the Bible, is more than just an act of kindness; it’s a fundamental expression of God’s love and character through His people. From inviting guests into our homes to caring for those in need, hospitality is a tangible way to live out Jesus’ command to love our neighbors as ourselves. This study explores the biblical Continue reading Christian Hospitality

Essential Skills and Competencies for Leading a Small Group

Small group of Christians meeting together for Bible study, fellowship, and mutual support.

This is an ongoing Bible study research project that started when I was challenged to help develop a class that trains group members to become group leaders. As I started to plan the study, I realized I needed a list of required competencies to tailor the training and evaluate the candidates. But as I researched the subject and talked to Continue reading Essential Skills and Competencies for Leading a Small Group

Don’t make life-changing decisions without Biblical guidance

Decisions require careful consideration, seeking wisdom, and prudent planning, when evaluating situations before making commitments.

After coming out of anesthesia, doctors always warn against making any important legal or life-changing decisions due to factors related to the effects of anesthetic drugs on the mind and body. Sometimes, it feels like we are in that same kind of brain fog even without anesthesia, which makes it hard to make decisions. When this happens, we need to Continue reading Don’t make life-changing decisions without Biblical guidance

Favorite Bible Benedictions

Favorite benedictions (formal or devout statements of blessedness) from the Bible

Here are some favorite benedictions (formal or devout invocations of blessedness) from the Bible. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. (Numbers 6:24-26 KJV) Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Continue reading Favorite Bible Benedictions