The Devil is the original influencer

The footprints and fingerprints of the Devil are the same throughout history. He always tries to lead astray, i.e. (mentally) to delude, or (morally) to seduce you into doing what he wants. But Christians have the spirit of God that has overcome the world, so you can resist.

Ever since Adam blamed Eve and she blamed the Devil, the favorite excuse has always been, “The Devil made me do it.” But did he, does he, will he? Did the Devil make Adam and Eve sin in the garden? And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day Continue reading The Devil is the original influencer

Has God heard my prayers? Even unsaved?

The Bible says God has heard prayers from unsaved people. Even a dying child can cry out to him. If you have called out to God, he has heard your prayers.

The Bible says God has heard the prayers of all people even before they are saved. Here are many accounts of men and women who cried out to God before they had received salvation. For Jesus Christ is the true light that shines in every life. And even a dying child can cry out to the savior. If you have Continue reading Has God heard my prayers? Even unsaved?

How long does it take to get right with God?

If it takes longer than a moment to get right with God, you have a wrong concept of God

Everything in our lives takes time to get right. It takes time to learn anything. It takes time to break bad habits and make good habits. And it takes a long time to get really good at anything. Therefore, we naturally think it must take a long time to get right with God. It must take years of monastic devotion Continue reading How long does it take to get right with God?

Have you hardened your heart against God like Pharaoh?

Don't be like Pharaoh who chose to deny God, so God hardened his heart to bear the plagues until the destruction was complete

If you have hardened your heart to deny God, and you recognize your life is on a path headed to destruction, you can choose to change your direction. You can choose to believe God and accept his free gift of salvation. He has never failed to answer that prayer. He will soften your heart and transform your life. What is Continue reading Have you hardened your heart against God like Pharaoh?

The potter and the clay

The potter and the clay

The message from the LORD to Jeremiah about the potter and the clay has often been used to prove the doctrine of extreme predestination that God elects some to salvation and damns others to hell. Let’s consider this passage carefully and prayerfully to see if that is what it is teaching. The Potter and the Clay The word which came Continue reading The potter and the clay