Grace and wisdom of the ages from 66 books, by 40 authors, over 2200 years, in 3 languages, on 3 continents, with 1 divinely-inspired theme of love and redemption for every tribe and language and people and nation on earth
God is not the author of confusion, disorder, or chaos, but of peace (1 Corinthians 14:33). There is a stark contrast between these extremes of confusion, disorder, chaos, and peace. If your religious experience is characterized by confusion, disorder, or chaos, it is not of God. He wants to give you peace.
akatastasia: instability
Definition: instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion.
Usage: disturbance, upheaval, revolution, almost anarchy, first in the political, and thence in the moral sphere.
Don’t Blame God for Religious Confusion — This is from an old tract, which was widely distributed in the 1940’s — but it is still true today.
There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all (Ephesians 4)
This simple clear declarative statement beautifully proves the attributes of God do not depend on you. It doesn’t matter what you believe about any of these subjects. There doesn’t need to be any confusion. He is God and you are not. What if God is right and you are wrong? You could have a million reasons why you think there are many bodies, and it wouldn’t matter at all, God says there is one true body of Christ.
Do you have Religious Trauma Syndrome? Man-made, fear-based, religions have enslaved people for thousands of years. Anyone who is enslaved by any kind of man-made, fear-based, religion…