Daily marriage devotionals for growing Christian marriages

These daily marriage devotionals are compiled from verses that we have shared with Christian couples in many counseling sessions over many years. Please read one per day and meditate on how it applies to your marriage. (Note: if you are not certain you are a Christian, please read The Sinner’s Prayer)

And Adam said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” (Genesis 2:23 KJV)

Nobody had to tell Adam to love Eve as his own body. She actually was. When Adam looked at Eve, he saw a piece of himself. When he was happy or pleased with her, it was more like being proud of himself. When he was upset or mean to her, it was more like being angry with himself.

Therefore, the bond between Adam and Eve was probably more like the special bond between a mother and her child. This bond is the most special on earth. No matter what happens, mothers love their children in an unconditional way. They want the best for their children. And they nurture and protect them even when it requires self-sacrifice.

Spouses are supposed to treat each other in this same special way. (Ephesians 5:28) And the resulting blessings can be like heaven on earth.

But when they mistreat each other, it is like they are damaging their own selves. And the resulting curses are like hell on earth.

  • Do I love my spouse like my own body?

  • Would I sacrifice my life for my spouse?

Okay, that will never happen. So, let’s talk about things that can happen. Health? Comfort? Pleasure? Hobbies? Lifestyle? Friends?

« https://bibletruths.org/daily-marriage-devotionals?id=2 »

If you miss one, two, or many days, don’t worry about it and don’t try to catch up. Just start where you are and keep going. We have found the Holy Spirit can prompt you to return to just the passage you need for today.

This is an ongoing labor of love because these marriage devotionals will never be finished, but we have to start somewhere, so we will update often. We appreciate your support and prayers because this is a work of God not us. And please forgive us because we have never found a verse that doesn’t apply to marriage somehow.

Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. (Proverbs 30:5)

Going beyond marriage devotionals

  • Leave and cleave – God gave husbands instruction to leave and cleave because they need to break ties with their birth-families to forge their marriages
  • The perspective of a successful marriage – If this perspective can lead to an incredible Olympic victory, imagine what it can do for your marriage. It’s almost a miracle!
  • Biblical relationship checkup – This Biblical relationship checkup helps couples find where they are on God’s map of a successful marriage and find direction for improvement
  • Help for hurting marriages – When I am weak, then I am strong. Help for hurting marriages is found in the wisdom of these Bible scriptures. Apply them as often as needed.

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