The difference between sin and sickness

Repentance or Judgment vs. Healing of Sickness

What is the Biblical difference between sin and sickness? And why does it matter? The difference determines how to care for hurting people. People who are hurting from sin need to repent and be forgiven. People who are hurting from sickness need to be treated so they can be healed. If we confuse those concepts and try to forgive sick Continue reading The difference between sin and sickness

Why did Hezekiah smash the bronze snake that Moses had made? (2 Kings 18:4)

And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. (Numbers 21:8)

Hezekiah was one of the good kings in a long line of bad to worse kings that descended from Solomon’s sin of idolatry because of his foreign wives (1 Kings 11:1-3). Hezekiah restored the temple after his father, Ahaz, had defiled it and shut down the Levitical priesthood. You can read about this amazing work in 2 Chronicles 29-31. In Continue reading Why did Hezekiah smash the bronze snake that Moses had made? (2 Kings 18:4)

Rightly Dividing the Great Commission

It would be presumptions for me to think this post could resolve thousands of years of arguments about the Great Commission. But I have found that most honest theological questions can be resolved by reading the scriptures with the help of the Holy Spirit. So let’s try. I am not going to make deep theological arguments or cherry-pick verses out Continue reading Rightly Dividing the Great Commission

Are there apostles and prophets in the church today?

This is a very important question, it goes right to the heart of the trustworthiness of the Bible. If there are apostles and prophets in the church today, then we really need a loose-leaf Bible because there may be new revelation from God that supersedes the old Bible. The Bible clearly says there were apostles and prophets in the foundation Continue reading Are there apostles and prophets in the church today?

2 Chronicles 16:9 the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him

This message from Hanani the seer to King Asa proves the Lord is strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. But, there is an often missed warning in the second half of the verse. I apologize that this post is too long, but you need to get the context to understand the promise and the Continue reading 2 Chronicles 16:9 the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him