The potter and the clay

The potter and the clay

The message from the LORD to Jeremiah about the potter and the clay has often been used to prove the doctrine of extreme predestination that God elects some to salvation and damns others to hell. Let’s consider this passage carefully and prayerfully to see if that is what it is teaching. The Potter and the Clay The word which came Continue reading The potter and the clay

Separated Christians (from sin to God through the gospel but not from each other)

Sinners were separated from God by a vast chasm of sin, but Christians are separated by God for service

Sinners separated from God by original sin Because of the sin of Adam and Eve, we were all separated from God. This separation is like a wide gap that we could never cross on our own. But Jesus, through His death and resurrection, made a way for us. He crossed that gap and brought us back to God. Now, through Continue reading Separated Christians (from sin to God through the gospel but not from each other)

6 Satanic attributes Christians must avoid

Virtually everyone in the world agrees that Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of godly behavior. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Satan is the ultimate example of satanic behavior. Just as it is important to embrace godly behavior, it is important to avoid satanic behavior. The Apostle Paul said we are not ignorant of his schemes, but Continue reading 6 Satanic attributes Christians must avoid

Are you an accidental Pharisee?

Nobody wants to be accused of being a hypocritical self-righteous Pharisee. But in 50 years of Christian life and service I have known many people who were Pharisees. And sometimes I have been a Pharisee. Read this parable from Jesus and see who you relate to… He told his next story to some who were complacently pleased with themselves over Continue reading Are you an accidental Pharisee?

Jesus Christ is the Messiah

Messianic Seal Mezuzah

Christianity and Judaism are eternally bonded through the Messiah who is the root and offspring of King David. He is both creator Lord God of David and the promised Messiah who will rule and reign forever. This is vitally important to understanding the Bible because all of the Old Testament (Moses, History, Poetry, and Prophets) looked forward to Jesus Christ Continue reading Jesus Christ is the Messiah