Top 10 Most Important Things for Christians Today

What are the top ten answers to the question: What are the most important things for a Christian?

The ten most important things for Christians in the world today center on upholding the core tenets of faith, living out the teachings of Jesus Christ, and engaging with the world in a manner reflective of biblical principles. These aspects are deeply rooted in Scripture and underscore the importance of personal faith, ethical living, evangelism, and social engagement. Love God Continue reading Top 10 Most Important Things for Christians Today

Every Believer is Called to Serve

Each person is called to serve in various capacities, using their unique gifts for the edification of the church body and the glory of God. This service is characterized by selflessness, humility, and a focus on the needs of others, mirroring the example of Jesus Christ. 

Every believer is called to serve others within the body of Christ. This calling is not just for a select few but for each one of us, as members of the church. This service is rooted in love, humility, and the acknowledgment of the gifts (“charismata”) given to us by the Holy Spirit. This study aims to inspire and challenge Continue reading Every Believer is Called to Serve

Favorite Bible Benedictions

Favorite benedictions (formal or devout statements of blessedness) from the Bible

Here are some favorite benedictions (formal or devout invocations of blessedness) from the Bible. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. (Numbers 6:24-26 KJV) Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Continue reading Favorite Bible Benedictions

The Welcoming Church: The one about the Man who Learned Nothing

This man learned nothing from the church service because he had heard the message before. But he missed the whole point of church.

The pop quiz response about learning nothing David, a roaming greeter at a welcoming church, recently asked a pop quiz about the message to a group of young people after the service. However, before any of them could respond, an older man loudly interjected, grumbling, “Nothing! I learned nothing because I have heard that same message before,” and adding with Continue reading The Welcoming Church: The one about the Man who Learned Nothing

Ten considerations before appointing church leaders

Taking time to approve church leaders ensures godly, faithful, experienced, proven leadership

In this Bible study, we will discuss 10 essential considerations that must be taken into account before appointing leaders in the church. Through examination of relevant Bible verses and Greek and Hebrew definitions, we will explore the importance of having a servant’s heart, evaluating the motives of potential leaders, and ensuring they are not seed planted on stony ground or Continue reading Ten considerations before appointing church leaders