Greetings from Paul (Discovering the Heart of the Apostle)

The Apostle Paul is motivated by a heart fully devoted to God's purposes, overflowing with love for others.

By examining these epistles’ backgrounds and greetings, we see Paul’s unwavering love for all Christians and commitment to the gospel amid diverse challenges. His letters address doctrinal truths and practical living, grounded in faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, these books remain foundational for Christian belief and practice today. Galatians (AD 48–49 or AD 55) Paul addresses the churches in Galatia, Continue reading Greetings from Paul (Discovering the Heart of the Apostle)

A personal note from Nebuchadnezzar II, the richest most powerful man who ever lived

Nebuchadnezzar humbled by God because of his pride and refusal to honor God's sovereignty

Greetings from King Nebuchadnezzar to all people everywhere. I hope you’re at peace. I want to personally share the amazing things the Most High God has done for me. His miracles are great and His wonders mighty. His kingdom lasts forever; His rule continues through all generations. (based on Daniel 4:1-3) In Daniel 4:19-27, King Nebuchadnezzar recounts a dream to Continue reading A personal note from Nebuchadnezzar II, the richest most powerful man who ever lived

Critical Review of Alexander Hislop’s The Two Babylons

Alexander Hislop's The Two Babylons has commendable concern for doctrinal purity, but the methodology is flawed and speculative.

Alexander Hislop’s The Two Babylons argues that many practices and beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church are rooted in ancient Babylonian paganism. Hislop contends that the Catholic Church, through its rituals, doctrines, and hierarchy, represents a continuation of the idolatrous system established in Babylon, described in the Bible as a source of spiritual corruption. He draws connections between Catholic traditions Continue reading Critical Review of Alexander Hislop’s The Two Babylons

Does Isaiah 64:6 mean God never accepts our righteous deeds?

Contrast between self-righteous deeds done for self-glorification and good deeds done out of genuine faith and humility

It is bad theology and bad exegeses to assume the righteous deeds alluded to in Isaiah 64:6 are the full story for Christians. Let’s look at the context of this verse and compare with other verses. (Isaiah 64:5-6 NLT) This verse highlights the concept of human sinfulness and the inadequacy of human efforts to attain righteousness before God. Here are Continue reading Does Isaiah 64:6 mean God never accepts our righteous deeds?

Water Baptism Symbolizes Salvation

Water baptism symbolizes our death to sin, the washing away of our transgressions, and our resurrection to new life in Jesus Christ

Water baptism symbolizes the moment of salvation; therefore, it is rich with symbolism that reflects key truths of the Christian faith. Let us delve into the significance of this act and its biblical foundations. Plunging Under Water: Symbolizes the Death Penalty for Sins When we are plunged under the water during baptism, it symbolizes the death penalty for our sins. Continue reading Water Baptism Symbolizes Salvation