The Five Senses of Hell (Dante was Wrong)

An accurate five senses image of hell as described by the Bible

The Bible describes the chilling reality of the five senses of hell, starkly contrasting it with the elaborate and poetic visions of Dante Alighieri’s “The Divine Comedy,” which is consistent with ancient religious traditions and modern philosophy. Dante’s vivid depiction of hell—with its nine circles of punishment and meticulously crafted tortures—has long mesmerized and terrified readers. Yet, as fundamental conservative Continue reading The Five Senses of Hell (Dante was Wrong)

God-given dominion for self, family, community, church

By following this godly order of dominion over self, family, community, and then church, men can fulfill their God-given roles, build strong families, positively impact their communities, and serve faithfully in the church.

The Bible provides a clear and intentional framework for dominion in a man’s life: self, family, community, and then church. This order reflects God’s design for building strong, God-honoring men who can positively impact the world around them. True leadership begins with the individual. A man who desires to lead effectively must first learn to steward his own life, cultivating Continue reading God-given dominion for self, family, community, church

Christians are hidden with Christ in God (the triple-protection guarantee)

Christians are hidden with Christ in God

What does it mean to be hidden with Christ in God? Let’s examine this passage in Colossians. Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you Continue reading Christians are hidden with Christ in God (the triple-protection guarantee)

Embracing God’s Word by Hearing, Hiding, and Heeding

By embracing God's Word and allowing it to guide our thoughts and actions, we not only grow closer to Him but also become instruments of His love and grace to those around us.

Embracing God’s Word means more than just reading it; it’s about fully welcoming it into our hearts and lives. When we embrace the Scriptures, we open ourselves to God’s voice, letting His wisdom shape and guide us. This act of embracing builds a deeper, personal connection with God, helping us grow in faith and align our lives with His perfect Continue reading Embracing God’s Word by Hearing, Hiding, and Heeding

Paul’s Prayers (Discovering the Heart of the Apostle)

The Apostle Paul and some of his coworkers gather to give prayers for Christians like you.

This study looks at the prayers of the Apostle Paul found in his letters to early Christian communities. Paul’s prayers show his deep love for the believers and his commitment to God’s work in their lives. They highlight themes like gratitude, faith, love, and God’s faithfulness. By exploring the background and purpose of each prayer, we aim to understand Paul’s Continue reading Paul’s Prayers (Discovering the Heart of the Apostle)